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This Class will be exactly the same as My Normal Deer Mounting Course but with these exceptions.

(1) I will Teach Two Classes at once. You can still come with a Team of Two for the same Price.

(2) The Class will be Pre-Scheduled to a set Date. This means You can not Pick your Own date or change it.

(3) Students must provide Antlers and Purchase Capes. I will get the Capes as needed . Price depends on availability and size of Cape needed.

(4) Deposit will be set at $500.00 Non-Refundable. If you can not make the scheduled date then the deposit will be forfeited.

Total Cost for this Course will be $1600.00. I can only take in Two Classes at a time.Remaining Balance paid the morning of the start of the class.

It will Require Three Trips

First Trip..... 5 Days Starting April 30th Ending May 4th.

Second Trip .....7 Days Starting May 14th Ending May 20th.

Third Trip..... 4 Days Starting June 21st Ending June 24th.

By Pre-Scheduleing this class and Teaching two classes I am able to give a very substantial Discount off the normal rate.....

Call now while its available 706-789-3786

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